Greene Rod and Gun Club, Inc.

A subscriber can return to update their information. At the bottom of e-mail, click on "Update your preferences", then a window pops up to select "Email me a link". Follow the instructions and you can return here to update your information.

Thank you!
Jeff Chimileski
Treasurer, Webmaster, Facebook admin, IDPA match director, Greene Rod and Gun Club.
* indicates required
If not sure, take your best guess what year you first became a member.
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Use this field to identify other member of Greene Rod and Gun club that could serve as a point of contact, team leader, for your group/family
Deadline May 1st. Enter here what work you have done and will do for the club. You are disqualified from being a candidate if you select none to either or both of the night of the week work party question or the adopt a range question.
We need more help! The club has over 500 members, but very few typically show up to help make and keep this a nice place to be.
This field was added with the vision that some day would have electronic portal to sign up for membership electronically. Typing yes would be the electronic equivlent of signing name to agree to the rules.
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